Tall Dome Narrow Gauge Conoco Tank Car for Pre-Order

Narrow gaugers in O and HO can revel in a new series of Tall Dome Narrow Gauge Conoco Tank Cars featuring never before produced lettering from 1926 and 1939.

1926 Tall Dome Narrow Gauge Conoco Tank Car

Five styles of lettering - 1926, 1930, 1935 and 1940 - are planned including one for Mexican National RR.  All offer multiple road numbers except for the Mexican National variant.  These are limited editions now open for pre-order.

San Juan Model Co. is quite proud of these, writing:

Expertly Researched

All San Juan Model Company products embody a level of historical accuracy only possible through relentless, fanatical, research. This particular model is the first ever to offer lettering from 1926 and 1939—so obscure was the evidence needed to confidently recreate them.

You can examine the announcement on their website: 1926 Tall Dome Narrow Gauge Conoco Tank Car