**O Gauge Class 73 CAD**
Great news for electro-diesel fans - the CAD for our superb new O gauge Class 73/1 is almost complete. Final additions and tweaks are now being made prior to the design being approved (note the body side grille at the wrong height - this is being corrected now!).
As you can see from the images, it's shaping up to be a stunning model with a huge amount of fine detail. It's also set to be our most sophisticated O gauge model to date, thanks to innovative features such as retractable collector shoes, diecast handrails, interchangeable head codepanels, a lighting function to replicate third-rail 'flash' (DCC switchable),powered roof fan, plug-and-play DCC capability and provision for a smoke unit.

Other standard features will include switchable cab and engine room lights, authentic detail variations between early and later period locomotives, including high-intensity headlights fitted from the late-1980s onwards, radio aerials, optional arc shields, drop head buckeye couplers, sprung buffers, two different designs of sandbox filler cover and outstandingunderframe, cab interior and body detail.

And the good news doesn't end there; in response to customer feedback we've added unnumbered/unnamed versions of the most popular liveries to the production plan.
7300: BR early blue E6008 with small yellow panels and grey band WEATHERED
7301: BR Rail Blue E6020 with light grey roof and small yellow panels no grey band
7302: BR Rail Blue (full yellow end) 73137
7303: BR large logo blue 73114
7304: Inter City Executive 73102 Airtour Suisse
7305: BR ‘Dutch’ grey/yellow 73108
7306: Network South East 73126 Kent & East Sussex Railway
7308: EWS red/gold 73128
7309: Network Rail yellow UNNUMBERED
7310: GB Rail freight blue/orange 73107 Tracy
7311: BR Rail Blue UNNUMBERED with light grey roof &small yellow panels, no grey band
7312: BR Rail Blue (full yellow end) UNNUMBERED *TOWER MODELS EXCLUSIVE*
7313: BR large logo blue Unnumbered
7314: Inter City Executive Unnumbered
7315: BR ‘Dutch’ grey/yellow Unnumbered
7320: GB Rail freight blue/orange Unnumbered

The unnumbered and unnamed models will be produced in limited quantities, so we advise customers to pre-order to avoid disappointment.
We'll share further information on this exciting new release as the project develops throughout 2021. First releases are expected in mid-2022 although, as always, this is a provisional schedule and subject to change.

Please remember, when contacting retailers or manufacturers, to mention that you saw their products highlighted here – on RailRoad Modelling