“We're delighted to announce as part of the NGF Virtual Exhibition 2021 that we will be re-running our award-winning Class B 35t tanks.These popular Class B 35t tanks were introduced in the mid-1950s and lasted until the early 1990s. 35t Class B tanks In a change to our normal practice we will not be accepting direct pre-orders and all orders to go through a normal retail channel”....Revolution Trains

The list of N/1:160 B-35t tank wagons include:
- Esso livery: 3300, 3305, 3546 and 3705 (Era 5-7)
- Mobil Charringtons: 202 (with black Charringtons label as shown) and 249 (with white Charringtons label) (Era 5-6)
- Unbranded black with ZRW TOPS code for depot waste fuel oil: ADB999065 and ADB999073 (Era 7-8)
- Regent: 375 and 404 (Era 5-6)
- Texaco: TEX47878 and TEX47859 (Era 6-7)
- United Molasses: UM204 (with brown barrel ends) and UM258 (with blue barrel ends) (Era 6-8)

The N/1:160 models will go into production alongside our forthcoming Class A tanks and MTV/ZKV Zander wagons and we estimate delivery will be Q1 2022.

The following retailers have already agreed to start taking pre-orders: C&M Models, Derails, East Somerset Models, Hattons, Kernow MRC, KMS Railtech, Rails of Sheffield, Rainbow Railways, TMC. If your preferred retailer is not on the list please ask them to send us an email to ask about stocking the Class B tanks.
Please remember to place your pre-order with your retailer if you would like to guarantee your order!

Please remember, when contacting retailers or manufacturers, to mention that you saw their products highlighted here – on RailRoad Modelling

Revolution Trains 35t Class B tank – please note the versions shown are from the first run.