Slow Sales? How?
Normally on any new product launch there is a lot ofactivity in the very beginning, and as the preorder deadline nears. Wethankfully had not finished the tooling design for the H16-44 when we launchedthis model, and those initial orders that we always get just didn't come in. Sowe postponed the tooling just in case the orders picked up. They didn't.
We've decided to relaunch the model and add three NEWschemes: Canadian Pacific (Action Red), CN (Noodle) and the New Havenone-of-a-kind Alpert scheme. We're now adding a hard deadline to see if thisproject can go ahead. That deadline is September 15th. If you have been on thefence about ordering the H16-44, it's time to take the plunge! Please reserveyour H16-44 by September 15th, 2021 to make sure we can make this model.
Another view of the New Haven H16-44.

Just in case you forgot EVERY feature of the F-M H16-44 Locomotive, we thought we would list them all here:
- Loads of road name-specific details, including hood doors and handrails
- Accurate dimensions measured from the real thing
- Separate grab irons and handrails installed at the factory
- Prototypical Trucks: Dofasco or AAR
- Both Dynamic & Non-Dynamic car bodies
- Steam generators, where appropriate
- Full under body piping and conduits
- Different fuel tanks, depending on road name
- Lit number boards, headlights and green and white class lights
- Rapido’s proven drive system adapted from the FA-2
- DC/Silent (21-pin DCC Ready) or DC/DCC/Sound options
The Milwaukee Road H16-44.

September 15th is the deadline to order the F-M H16-44 Locomotive. We won't be able to proceed if we do not have enough orders, so make sure to get yours in by then! Please tell your friends and family and help us make this wonderful, unique locomotive!
Please remember, when contacting retailers or manufacturers, to mention that you saw their products highlighted here – on RailRoad Modelling
Note the deflector, a CN staple feature.

Here's the current listing of F-M H16-44 Locomotive schemes being offered on this run.