**LYN Production Update**
We're very pleased to report that production of our eagerly awaited OO9 model of Lynton & Barnstaple Baldwin 2-4-2T LYN is now almost complete (see the photos from the factory below) and the finished models will be shipped to us shortly.

These beautiful little locomotives have been produced in six different versions covering the entire career of the US-built 2-4-2 T in Devon, plus an undecorated black loco for freelance layouts.
#9980 Undecorated black
#9981 L&BR dark green/red oxide LYN
#9982 L&BR dark green E762 LYN
#9983 SR dark green E762 LYN
#9984 Southern Railway green E762 LYN (1928-32)
#9985 Southern Railway green E762 LYN (1932-35)

Look out for more updates soon!
Please remember, when contacting retailers or manufacturers, to mention that you saw their products highlighted here – on RailRoad Modelling