Ellis Clark Trains & Darstaed are pleased to announce our next joint venture in 7mm Finescale passenger carrying stock.
May we present to you the Pullman all-steel type Ks!
Working closer than ever before, with ourselves researching these iconic vehicles and the CAD team collaborating on the design, we feel we can deliver what will be a remarkable model.

Like the real-life Pullmans, our aim is to produce something rather special, and so these coaches will feature brass sides with extra added detailing, working table and ceiling lights, fully detailed metal bogies, fully detailed chassis, fully detailed and riveted roofs, and stunning interior detailing
We will be producing Brake 3rds, Parlour 1st and Parlour 3rds, Kitchen 1st, and Kitchen 3rds.
We will also be offering coach packs, including many famous and iconic trains, and preserved examples.

We’re expecting a release date in 2023, with the RRP TBA, however, we’re expecting it to be in the £300 - £399 range, with multi-buy deals being made available. We do realise that this RRP is going to be higher than usual, but one of our main aims is to produce a model of the Pullman reminiscent of the real-life vehicles, maintaining their prestige build and attention to detail. We have no doubt that these will not disappoint.
Full details are now live on the website, with CAD renders and a list of all vehicle types below.

Please remember, when contacting retailers or manufacturers, to mention that you saw their products highlighted here – on RailRoad Modelling