Tag: N
Molten Metals: Gold, Copper, Silver(s), Pewter
Darkstar may not be familiar to model railroaders, but their range of metallic acrylics, Molten Metals, are superb. Any modeling genre in need of a metallic paint should know of this company primarily known to the sci-fi and fantasy and wargaming commun...
Baldwin 4-6-0 Returns
Bachmann G scale Baldwin 4-6-0 Steam Locomotive returns with lots of improvements and four liveries
Class 60 Production Commences
Heljan has posted images of the new production batch of their O/1;43 Class 60’s and very impressive they look too
New! Iwata Takumi Eclipse Side Feed Airbrush
The Airbrush Company are pleased to introduce the new Iwata Takumi Eclipse Side Feed Airbrush. This model replaces the Iwata Eclipse SBS, which has now been discontinued.
Shell Petroleum Tankers
Rivarossi has been previewing its new HO/1:87 Shell petroleum tankers
BR 52 KriegsLokomotive 'Inspirations' by Stefan Szymanski
Adie Roberts continues his inspirations to help inspire modellers of all abilities to work out of their comfort zone building dioramas or just trying new builds.
53' 6" Mill Gondolas Are Back
The HO/1:87 53' 6" Mill Gondolas from Rapido Trains are back with a few new paint scheme options
GWR Castle Set Samples
Gaugemaster Control has recieved samples of their N/1:160 Class 43 HST GWR Castle set.
Mk.2 BFK Coach Artwork
Heljan has posted new artwork for the O/1:43 Mk.2 coaches this time looking at the BFK units
Class 59 Planned
Revolution Trains is offering the iconic Class 59 diesel as its next locomotive model in N/1:160
Class 66 Decorated Samples
Dapol has received decorated samples of the N/1:160 Class 66 and are now evaluating them
Mk 2 BSO Coach Schemes
Heljan has provided a preview for the Art work for their O/1:43 Mk 2 BSO coach
BBA/BBL Wagons Second Batch
Cavalex Models has posted images on their website of the second batch of painted OO/1:76 BBA/BBL wagons
6 x New Greenville 86’ Cars
Tangent Models has released this month six new HO/1:87 Greenville 86’ High Cube Double Plug Door Box Cars.
W1 Samples
Hornby has been showing in their Engine Shed Blog the latest OO/1:76 samples of the W1 Class locos