Chester Fesmire
Mr. Fesmire was well-known in the model vehicle world.
He wrote columns on HO scale vehicles in Toy Trucker & Contractor magazine. Scale Auto Magazine said, "..that he knows more about small-scale models than anyone on the planet."*
Pennmann814 tells us;
Chester was like a brother to me and you can upload any of his model pictures to Kitmaker Network without worrying about copyright issues – I will take full responsibility – I have Chester’s email to me stating that I can do whatever I wish with his photos.
You can see more of Mr. Fesmire's work at 1/87th Club website (modeler – Chester Fesmire)
* Chester Fesmire - 1951 - January 6, 2019. Bob Johnson. 1-87vehicles.org. [ https://1-87vehicles.org/in_memoriam/chester_fesmire.php. ] n.d.