NOCH presents these holiday presents, the first of the new year's new products - general scenery items, new model railroad products, and animated items. Scales range from specific to universal sizes.
NOCH Christmas Layout

Winter Magic Christmas Layout
35 cm x 35 cm, approx. 15 cm high, Winter layout made of Structured Hard Foam, decorated, illuminated houses and lighted Christmas tree, incl. 4 Christmas tree candles, supplied without transformer, loco and carriages. Two versions, items 88063 and 88064, are the same layout but one uses Märklin® track while the other uses Rokuhan Z gauge tracks.
NOCH Easy-Track Railway Route Kit "Karlsberg"

This kit is only for building the layout. No track or scenery products.
4 Lane Segments, straight, 360 mm x 80 mm (Plywood)
7 Circuit Segments (Plywood)
6 Circuit Segments, 30° (Plywood)
2 Point Segments, 60° (Plywood)
2 Lane Segments, straight, 230 mm x 80 mm (Plywood)
1 Lane Segment, straight, 310 mm x 80 mm (Plywood)
1 Lane Segment, straight, 345 mm x 80 mm (Plywood)
1 Lane Segment, straight, 385 mm x 80 mm (Plywood)
1 Lane Segment, straight, 450 mm x 80 mm (Plywood)
1 Lane Segment, straight, 400 mm x 355 mm (Plywood)
1 Lane Segment, straight, 130 mm x 80 mm (Plywood)
56 Base Plates, small, 1 mm
1 Base Plate, large, 4 mm
8 Stand Parts, 14.5 mm
47 Stand Parts, 43.5 mm
17 Stand Parts, 9 mm
24 Stand Parts, 27 mm
57 Viaduct Connectors
57 Wood Screws
Note: you’ll find a video on how to assemble this model railway layout on the NOCH YouTube channel at