Molten Metals: Gold, Copper, Silver(s), Pewter
Darkstar may not be familiar to model railroaders, but their range of metallic acrylics, Molten Metals, are superb. Any modeling genre in need of a metallic paint should know of this company primarily known to the sci-fi and fantasy and wargaming commun...
Baldwin 4-6-0 Returns
Bachmann G scale Baldwin 4-6-0 Steam Locomotive returns with lots of improvements and four liveries
New! Iwata Takumi Eclipse Side Feed Airbrush
The Airbrush Company are pleased to introduce the new Iwata Takumi Eclipse Side Feed Airbrush. This model replaces the Iwata Eclipse SBS, which has now been discontinued.
Shell Petroleum Tankers
Rivarossi has been previewing its new HO/1:87 Shell petroleum tankers
BR 52 KriegsLokomotive 'Inspirations' by Stefan Szymanski
Adie Roberts continues his inspirations to help inspire modellers of all abilities to work out of their comfort zone building dioramas or just trying new builds.
44 Tonner Locomotive
ATLAS announces the future release of a die-cast O scale GE 44-ton switcher. It will have sound, DCC, Rule 17 Lighting, and cab interior to name a few details.
GG-1 Images
Bachmann Trains has proudly posted images of their new N/1:160 GG-1 on their Facebook page
HERPA CARS & TRUCKS 2021 / 07-08
HERPA CARS & TRUCKS 2021 / 07-08 brochure presents upcoming releases by Herpa, SSM, and Model Pro.
Build Your First Layout
Kalmbach Media Co. has released Build Your First Layout. It covers many components of layouts including benchwork, tracklaying, scenery, structures, to name a few.
GWR Steam Railmotor Samples
Kernow Model Rail Centre [KMRC] has posted images on their website images of the first assembled engineering prototypes of the OO/1:76GWR Steam Railmotor
Atlas O Premier Catalog
Atlas O announces so many new models lined up for O scale that they created an O scale catalog. It's stuffed with brand new locomotives and outstanding freight cars. The deadline for placing your order/reservation with your Atlas Dealer on the product li...
H16-44 Try Again
Rapido Trains is trying again to drum up interest in sales of the HO/1:87 Fairbanks-Morse H16-44 locomotive
GM U 25B Renders
Rapido Trains has posted renders of their latest HO/1:87 project: the General Electric U 25B
RS-3 Painted Samples
Bowser has posted on Facebook images of their stunning looking decorated samples of the HO/1:87 ALCo RS-3
53' Husky Stack Well Cars
Rapido Trains has released another run of the improved HO/1:8753' Husky Stack Well Cars which will add some colour to your layout