Russian Rail Freight Wagon Parts 1890-1936 | Armorama
Armor35 has kitted several 1/35 Soviet railcar subjects, and other companies have followed suite. This accessory set allows modelers to modify and im...
Class 26 Painted Sample
Heljan has posted images on Facebook of a painted engineering sample of the O/1:43 Class 26 loco
Modernized" FL9 Diesels
Rapido Trains is expecting the delivery of their HO/1:87 Modernized"FL9 diesels next week
ACF 17,360 Gallon Tank Car
Atlas models this ready-to-run N scale tank car from American Car and Foundry's insulated general service tank car, which is designed primarily for transporting chlorine. It features separately-applied brake detail, finely molded handrails, tank fittings...
GP40, Master Silver Series
ATLAS has been offering GP40s since 1999. This is the analog SILVER SERIES version of the GP40, decorated for fallen flag Western Pacific. It features their "WP Nose Lettering."
Oneida & Western Bathtub Gondolas
Athearn is taking pre-orders on a new livery of Oneida & Western in its series of HO/1:87 Bathtub Gondolas
In this review we look at the Atlas O Steam Era Classics 55-Ton Coal Hopper. This model is painted as Peabody Short Line Coal Company No. 6630. It was released for both 2- and 3-Rail operations. This popular model has been released with different road...
Warning Signs & Labels
Matho Models increases their range of 1/35 decals with item 35101, a sheet of modern Warning Signs & Labels.
PFA Container Wagon Samples
Revolution Trains has received samples of their N gauge/2mm PFA container wagons.