Bone Yard

Ready-made Structured Hard Foammodel
19 cm x 13.5 cm, 9 cm high
Ref.: 58613
Argen Bridge

Ref.: 58692
Waldtobel Bridge

Ref.: 58694
Oberdorf Bridge

Ref. 58696
Ready-made Structured Hard Foam Narrow Village Bridge. The Oberdorf Bridge is wide enough to allow for a single lane of traffic.
T-Rex Excavation

Ready-made Structured Hard Foam model, 13.5 cm x 6.8 cm, 1.6 cm high
Ref.: 58614
NOCH Structured Hard Foam
These models are cast in a hard foam that is sturdy and models natural textures, takes paint easily, while being very light weight.
Roman Baths Excavation

15.4 cm x 11.2 cm, 1.6 cm high
Ref.: 58615