“Our O gauge refurbished Class 31s are almost ready for production and are expected in the UK in a couple of months. However, we thought you'd like a preview of the unmissable Network Rail Class 31/4 in in hi-vis yellow!
This model depicts one of the small fleet of '31s' operated by NR on test trains until 2017, by which time the class was almost 60 years old".

"Also due for release in this batch of refurbished Class31s are '31/1s' in Rail freight grey, Rail freight Red Stripe, Rail freight Sector grey (unbranded) and Civil Engineers' grey/yellow, plus Class 31/4s in BR blue, InterCity Mainline, Regional Railways and EWS red/gold.
Look out for more updates on these hotly anticipated models very soon”!.......Heljan

Hi Viz Class 31 - O/1:43
Please remember, when contacting retailers or manufacturers, to mention that you saw their products highlighted here – on RailRoad Modelling